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Environmental School

Helping members become accomplished environmental consultants.
Helping others engage in environmental education.

Environmental School

Become an NGC Environmental Consultant

The mission of the Environmental Schools is to teach environmental literacy to cherish, protect and conserve the living earth. The courses teach participants environmental literacy, appreciation of the natural world, encourages action for sustainable development and appreciation for the interrelation of all natural things. Land conservation, water conservation and air quality is particularly emphasized. 

See the guide for Students and Consultants


What is Environmental School?

Environmental Schools are a fun practical and economical approach to obtain a basic environmental education. Local garden clubs, councils, districts, State Garden Clubs or Region sponsor a series of four courses of 10 hours each. These classes investigate, challenge and explore all aspects of the environment with a focus on the interrelationships of plants, animals, insects and people. The goal is to maintain and renew an energy efficient and sustainable environment. Each course includes a 2-hour field trip. Tours may include natural areas, power or recycling plants, nature centers, sustainable architecture or boat trips to explore aquatic eco-systems.

For more information on Environmental Schools, please contact Pat Rupiper, Environmental School Chairman.

See the NGC Schools Handbook and all related forms on the SCHOOLS RESOURCES page. 

Environmental School

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What Will I Learn?


A clear understanding that people are an inseparable part of a system consisting of humans, culture, the biophysical environment and that people have the ability to alter the interrelationships of this system.



A fundamental understanding of the biophysical environmental problems confronting people, how these problems can be solved and the responsibility of citizens and government to work toward their solution.


Problem Solving

Attitudes of concern for the quality of the biophysical environment that will motivate citizens to participate in biophysical environmental problem solving.



  • Course 1 The Living Earth - An Overview and Introduction: Ecology, Plants - Biodiversity, Environmental Science, Environmental Issues, Backyard and Wildlife Habitat, Networking and Outreach, Historic Environmental Actions and Leaders, Sustainability
  • Course 2 The Living Earth - Land and Related Issues: Ecology - Land, Plants - Agriculture, Source Reduction of Pollutants, Toxics and Materials, Coastal Zone Management, Environmental Resources, Wildlife - Animals -The Misunderstoods, Gardening with Nature
  • Course 3 The Living Earth - Air: Ecology - Air, Plants - Rain Forest, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Science - Pollution, Wildlife - Endangered Plants and Wildlife, Initiating Schools Programs, Earth Stewardship, Material Sources and Citizen Education Programs
  • Course 4 The Living Earth - Water: Ecology - Water, Plants - Aquatic Plants, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Wildlife - Aquatic Animals, Youth Programs in Environmental Education, Earth Stewardship - Effective Citizenship

Find an Environmental School

Interested in attending an Environmental School near you or across the country? Treat yourself to environmental knowledge, have fun and meet fellow earth enthusiasts.